Party Ideas

Throw a Rockin’ Sock Hop Party

By GigSalad

Sock hops were super popular in the 1950s. What’s the difference between a sock hop and a regular school dance? Well, at sock hops, you had to remove your shoes. These days, you can keep your shoes on if you want, but it’s pretty important that you dress the part by wearing 1950s attire! Ready to rock? Let’s get started.


Venue & Decor

Back in the day, sock hops were typically housed in school gymnasiums or cafeterias. If that’s an option and you’re aiming for authenticity, have it there! A great perk of hosting the sock hop at the school is that it saves you money. If your gym isn’t large enough, there are scheduling conflicts, or you’d just prefer to host it somewhere else, that’s totally fine! Find a nearby venue that fits your needs. It’s ideal to find a venue with a large dance floor and a stage (if you’re planning to book live music – but we’ll get into that later).

Decorate your venue with black and white checkered floors or table cloths, pink and blue streamers or balloons, music note cut-outs, and records! It’s a good idea to have a juke box around, even if just for the aesthetic.



Records were the way to go in the ’50s, but times have changed. Hire a DJ to spin records or play digital files. Or, if you’d prefer a live band, hire 1950s Entertainment, like an Elvis Presley tribute! Whatever you decide, it’s important that people want to dance all night! Have a Photographer present to capture the memories on camera, or opt for a Photo Booth – the photo strips make great party favors.



Everybody loves a theme party. Ask your guests to come dressed in their best 1950s costumes. Poodle skirts, Elvis costumes, and leather/letterman jackets all around! You could even provide some ’50s props to add to costumes for those awesome photos.


Food & Drinks

If you’re planning to provide food and drinks at your party, keep it simple. Ask your Caterer to create fun sockhop-themed goodies, like record- or jukebox-shaped cookies, as well as some tasty finger foods. Your Bartender will be able to help plan a custom menu with fun remixes on classic cocktails.


Just stick to your theme and get creative as you’d like! Your guests will feel like they’re living in the ’50s, and will look forward to partying with you in the 60s!


Ready to book some entertainment for your Sock Hop? Find the best on GigSalad.


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